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Ranking of newspaper circulation drop

By Oregon Small Business Association,

The latest national newspaper circulation numbers show that only newspaper out of 25 largest to increase readership was the Wall Street Journal. The Oregonian performed the best out of the other top 20 newspapers.

Biggest circulation drops among top 20 newspapers ranked by drop size (1)

Los Angeles Times —14.7%
Chicago Sun-Times — 13.9 %
Houston Chronicle —13.8 %
USA Today -13.6%
The Washington Post — 13.1%
Daily News of New York —11.3%
The Arizona Republic of Phoenix —9.9 %
Chicago Tribune —9.8 %
Newsday of Long Island, N.Y. — 9.1 %
The New York Times -8.5%
The Plain Dealer of Cleveland — 8.1%
Star Tribune of Minneapolis — 7.7 %
The Philadelphia Inquirer —5.9 %
New York Post —5.9%
St. Petersburg Times — 1.5 %
The Wall Street Journal + 0.5% * increase*
The Oregonian has stemmed a much worse national downward trend with a modest decline. This speaks volumes to the cut-backs and reinventing efforts the newspaper’s leadership. The numbers are from the Audit Bureau of Circulations.

(1) a few top 20 newspapers were not listed in the report due to various conditions that made comparrission unscientific during this audit period.