Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Business Survey Results
Issues of concern facing business: 1. Business Taxes 0.100 2. PERS/Pension Reform 0.068 3. Traffic/congestion 0.063 4. Property Taxes 0.059 5. Land-use Laws/Measure 37 0.058 6. Illegal immigration 0.054 7. Blight – Homelessness/loiterers 0.054 8. Water/sewer costs 0.052 9. Location-based crime (drug dealing, vandalism, theft, shoplifting) 0.051 10. Transportation taxes and services 0.050
Posted: December 1st, 2005 under Uncategorized.
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Wood Village Business speak out against business sales tax
The Oregon Small Business Association worked with a broad coalition to help recruit businesses to oppose the Wood Village Sales Tax proposal being introduced by the mayor. The language read “The sales tax has been soundly rejected by Wood Village voters nine times. Adopting a tax so universally disliked by our customers would seriously damage […]
Posted: November 13th, 2005 under Uncategorized.
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Business Roundtable
“Stopping the crime wave against property & business” Fighting crime Keynote Speaker: Steve Doell is director and lobbyist for Oregon’s anti-crime organization – Crime Victims United. Doell spoke about how Oregon has been successful at fighting and lowering many crime rates, but left a gap when it comes to property crimes and auto theft. Many […]
Posted: October 15th, 2005 under Uncategorized.
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2004 Small Business Agenda Survey
1. Please rate the city/county performance on these issues (A-F) ___ Building permits ___ Available customer parking ___ Land-use permits ___ Fire Marshall Inspections ___ Tax collection ___ Police protection/response ___ Traffic congestion ___ Electricity Rates ___ Water/sewer rates Other __________________ 2. What tax, fee, or surcharge is the most injurious or ineffective? 3. What […]
Posted: August 7th, 2003 under Uncategorized.
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Small Business & New Taxes Report from the 2001 Legislature
1. Personal Property Tax Relief: HB 2111 raises the exemption for personal property taxes from $10,000 to $20,000. This will exempt over 14,000 small business statewide. It save millions of dollars and thousands of hours small business owners spend meeting the requirements. Status: In House School Funding and Tax Fairness/Revenue Committee and hearings are being […]
Posted: April 4th, 2001 under Uncategorized.
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History Files
These were someof the original brichures used by the Oregon Small Business Association in the early 1990’s. Our message is still the same (a) Small Business is the backbone of the economy and (b) Small business needs help!
Posted: December 1st, 1999 under Uncategorized.
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